Local Arizona:

Series in Varying Mediums

This collection is ongoing and contains work varying in an abundance of different formats and mediums. I am very inspired by what I see and what is around me, whether that being of the buildings, environments, or people that are around me locally in Arizona, the surrounding states, or from what I have been able to experience in other locations and countries around the world.

My goal with this series particularly is to depict the beautiful landscapes, architecture, and environments that I have had the opportunity to live and grow up in throughout my time in Arizona. Work may depict well known and local landmarks in new and artistic ways, but also may depict hidden gems and lesser known locations that I have been able to explore and artistically portray in various different styles mediums. I want to showcase the beauty I see in places that may get passed by everyday, yet also highlight other locations maybe not known in the landscapes and environments of the diverse and beautiful cities, towns, and deserts of Arizona.