Churches Around the World:

Series in Varying Mediums

Throughout my travels, I have begun to accumulate a large collection of photos varying from regional architecture to serene landscapes. One constant that I have found in a lot of my photography no matter the place though is the abundance of different churches depicted in their surrounding landscapes and locations.

Churches represent a holy place, and in many cultures it is a symbol and a landmark to the town it is a part of. Each church is also influenced by the cultural and natural environments it is placed in, and have many signifying features throughout its architectural, ornamental, and structural details as well.

With this ongoing series, my goal is to emphasize the beautiful, unique, and identifying features of each church that I have seen and show the beauty in its architecture and of the surrounding locations and environments each is placed in as well. By using various different mediums throughout this series, I am able to highlight specific elements of each church through artistic choices dealing in color, value contrasts, and detail.