Berries & Branches
Berries & Branches
bead weaving
6 x 8 in.
Recently, I have started to explore a lot with glass beads again and what all I can make that is both new and also unique, with the goal of creating something that can be displayed in the home like a small wall hanging. With that sort of in mind, I have spent some time these past few months just creating and working on different designs and patterns that could maybe translate well in the form of these bead weavings.
With this weaving in particular, I tried to focus more on a design that had both a repetitive pattern with also a very minimal color palette. Since these weavings are being created with small glass beads, both the limit on color availability and the amount of detail I can portray in a small area are things that I needed to keep in mind; both for this project, but also with others in the future.
What I ended up going for was a botanical pattern that used primarily a complimentary color scheme of blues and oranges. I tend to normally lean towards a blue/orange color palette in general, but this seemed to fit well with the natural theming while also giving the weaving as a whole a unique look. I was also inspired by cross stitching patterns that I saw online in the past, and used some of those characteristics as well in places like the shapes of the branches and leaves.